
Commit to getting your sparkle back. 

Therapy, and the holistic modalities that often accompany it, are most effective with some consistency and accountability. If you feel like you’ve lost your sparkle, it usually doesn’t come back overnight. It tends to take some perspective shifts, soul seeking, emotional release, and new choices and tools to find that deeper sense of self and reconnect to your joy. To make sessions more affordable and give you a sense of accountability, I created the below memberships!

(Please Note: Membership works out to be $185/session, as opposed to the normal rate of $225/session.)

Membership Offerings

  • 2 sessions / month: $370

    This is for you if…

    Your life and sense of self feels pretty steady, but you need support in navigating relationships, self-worth, finding joy, career, dating, boundaries, self-care, etc. Or maybe you’re moving through a situation or two and need support, but it’s not life-altering or making you feel like your whole life is being upended.

  • 4 sessions / month: $740

    This is for you if…

    You’re moving through big changes, or want to target a specific area of your life, such as self-worth, finding joy, career, dating, a breakup, etc. You need practical ways to approach these changes so you can create sustainable growth that feels true to who you are on a soul level.

  • 6 sessions / month: $1,110

    This is for you if…

    You’re moving through a major life moment that feels like the rug got totally pulled out from under you. You need help feeling grounded, making time for self-care, and navigating this situation with grace, honesty, and heart. Or, you have significant trauma that you need a lot of support in healing until you feel like you’ve cleared some of the debris.

  • 8 sessions / month: $1,480

    This is for you if…

    You’re moving through a major life moment that feels like the rug got totally pulled out from under you. You need help feeling grounded, making time for self-care, and navigating this situation with grace, honesty, and heart. Or, you have significant trauma that you need a lot of support in healing until you feel like you’ve cleared some of the debris.


The Details

  • If you’re a new client, I can help you decide which membership is best for you based on your goals after your first session. Book your free first session here.

  • If you’re a current client, I’m happy to help you decide membership is best for you in our next meeting, or you can email me.

  • All memberships are month-to-month (they can be changed or canceled with 30 days notice). I want you to be able to easily switch tiers as your needs change, or cancel if you no longer need my support on a regular basis.

  • If you need extra support and want to add a one-off session at any time, you’ll get the same discounted rate you pay within your package; $185/session instead of $225/session.

  • You’ll receive free copies of my book + journal. 🙂

  • If you need regular support, membership works out to be $185/session, as opposed to the normal rate of $225/session.

  • I’m not currently accepting insurance.